When I was 12 I walked down the aisle of my church and stood beside my pastor at that time and prayed with him to accept God and his Son Jesus in my heart. And to this day 30 years later I still hold that belief close to my heart. It is best to know that I wasn't dragged into the decision, It wasn't because friends at the time nudging me along. It was because of the enlightenment of God's grace that salvation came to me. Not some radicalized belief system beat into me.
So having said that... I want a White House that honors God's option of free will and offers inclusivity to all beliefs and religions that are respectful to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I know that not everyone will share my personal beliefs of Christianity and God's grace, and that's ok. If they haven't come to love the same God that we both know and love, you love them anyway. You cannot force the divine grace of God's love on someone, they must see it, experience it, and through a free will and personal decision, accept it within their heart.